Online Submissions
Our 2024 Winners and Honorable Mentions are now available on this website.
Congratulations to all!
Congratulations to all!
Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition Online Submissions
We are pleased that we are now able to accept online submissions to our competition. Accepting stories online has seemed like a bold step into a brave new world, but we have found the additional option to be very pleasing to those who wish to submit in this manner. And we also like the idea of saving some trees in the long run.
Online Submission Guidelines:
- All submissions must meet the requirements set forth in our regular guidelines. Stories must be original, unpublished fiction. Word count: 3,500 words or less.
- Stories must be submitted in Microsoft Word Document format or as a Microsoft Word .docx or .pdf, as an attachment. Please do not send your story in the body of an email.
- Each story must be accompanied by a cover sheet that includes the writer’s name, the title of the story, his or her complete mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, and the word count of the work submitted. The title page and story must be submitted as one document, with the cover sheet as the first page of the manuscript, as an attachment. The author’s name should not appear on the story. Only the title of the story should appear on the story portion of the manuscript.
- Writers may submit multiple entries, but these must be submitted as separate Microsoft Word documents, with separate cover sheets and separate entry fees.
How to Submit Your Payment Online:
NOTE: A PayPal account is not required for online submissions. If you do not already have a PayPal account and would like to sign up, please click here.
- Click the ‘Buy Now’ button below. If you are submitting your story September 1st, simply click ‘Buy Now’. If you are submitting your story between September 2nd and September 15th, please use the drop-down menu to select the option of ‘September 2nd-15th $20.00 USD’ and then click on the ‘Buy Now’ button.
- Submit payment through PayPal. Clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button will open a web page on where you will need to login to your account and submit your entry fee. Or you may submit your fee as a guest user. This option will allow you to use a credit or debit card for your entry fee. Make note of the Transaction ID number given to you by PayPal. This step must be completed prior to sending your story. Please keep a copy of your PayPal receipt for your records.
- Submit your story using the form below. After you have submitted your entry fee, please copy and paste the Transaction ID number given to you by PayPal, along with your full name as it appears on your PayPal receipt, in the form below. If you are using another person’s PayPal account to submit your entry, please include both your (the author’s) name and the name of the person associated with the PayPal account you are using. Attach your story (in .doc, .docx or .pdf format) and click the ‘Submit Now’ button.
If you have questions regarding online submissions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many thanks and the very best of luck to all who enter!